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5 Fitness Motivation Tips

The beginning of every new year brings new goals and resolutions. Most people write a list of things that they would like to accomplish or improve. One of the things that most people want to do is to either start exercising or to reach new fitness goals. However, not everyone enjoys working out. Despite the fact that most of us know that exercising is good for us, not all of us jump out of bed in the morning ready for a five mile run. I’m sure most of you know someone or have a friend who seems to have a gallon of water handy and are always going on about a new workout program that they found. Being personally more athletic, I confess that I do enjoy working out and I don’t feel like my day is quite complete without a good sweat. However, there are days where I would rather sleep in then use that time to go for a run or engage in some “hardcore” weightlifting session. I’m human. I’m not perfect. I can be lazy from time to time. It’s during these moments that I really have to force myself to workout. Overtime, I’ve learned what things help to motivate me to be more active and I wanted to share with you some of them. I hope that some of these things will help you to reach your own personal fitness goals.

1) Buy Some New Workout Gear:

Sometimes all it takes is to buy a new pair of cute yoga pants or leggings to get me going. I have several pairs of older workout pants that I wear around the house and I reserve my new ones for my work outs. Thus, in order for me to sport my new clothes, I have to work out in them. I also recommend you buy something that you feel confident wearing, wherever you are in your fitness journey. Not everyone can look amazing in a tank top and long leggings, including myself. I’m 5 feet tall, so long joggers are out for me. You need to find something that suits your body and it is okay to be different. If you think that bright colors and fancy patterns don’t flatter you the way you would like, don’t buy it.

2) Buy a Workout Journal:

I am a pretty visual person, so being able to see my progress gets me excited. This can be as simple as getting a journal and writing down your accomplishments or you can find journals that are specifically geared towards charting your workouts. You can even just buy a calendar and jot down your sessions. It doesn’t need to be complicated or fancy, just enough for it to suit your needs. This is where you should record your goals, accomplishments, and any other thoughts you have. I must say, not every day will be perfect and there will be days that you may not do as well as you like. But, by recording your progress, you will see everything that you have accomplished, which will also help to keep you motivated.

3) Incorporate Variation:

I get bored pretty easily and I have found that doing different types of workouts keeps me focused. I have also seen significant results in engaging in different forms of exercise. I incorporate some cardio, strength training, yoga, and weight training. While this may seem like a lot, I pick different days during the week for each type of workout. For example, on Mondays I do some cardio, which ranges from going for a walk, a run, or some Zumba. On Tuesdays, I do weights and focus on upper body muscles. Wednesday, I do some yoga. You get the picture. Point is, you need to experiment to see what you like and what works best for your schedule. Try something new as well!

4) Workout Buddy:

Being social creatures, we all need someone to hold us accountable. Sometimes you need to invite someone into your fitness journey and to help motivate you. Someone who is not afraid to give you a kick in the pants to go to the gym with them. So find a workout buddy. This can be a close friend, family member, or maybe you end up making friends with someone while working out. Perhaps you don’t meet with them every week, but inviting someone into your journey is always helpful. Now, some of us might feel like it might be a bit rude to ask someone to be their workout buddy. It does feel a bit like you are implying that they need to lose weight or that they are not fit. However, you phrase it something like “Hey, I’m trying to get fit and I need someone to keep me accountable. I was wondering if you would help me?”, chances are they will be more likely to help you.

5) Be Patient:

My most important tip is to be patient with yourself. If you are just starting to exercise or are currently striving for your next goal, it takes time. Don’t stress yourself out or be too hard on yourself if you take a step backwards. It takes about 10 weeks to start seeing results, maybe even longer for some, but you will see them eventually. For most of us, we are our own worst critique and we do ourselves more harm by letting the mirror dictate our value. Remember, everyone’s fitness journey is different. Not everyone’s body functions the same way. If you have to, stop following those who you find yourself comparing yourself too. All you are seeing is the snippet of their life that seems to be “perfect” when in reality no one is. I encourage you to surround yourself with people who will encourage you and motivate you to keep up the good work.

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