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5 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the things that took over the health and fitness industry by storm. Everywhere I looked, it was like every fitness guru was talking about it. Over the past several months I’ve seen so many YouTube videos on how to incorporate it into tea, smoothies, and other meals. I’ve also seen people just drink two tablespoons by itself like it like it was no big deal. I couldn’t understand how anyone could do this.

The truth of the matter is; I highly despise apple cider vinegar. I just cannot get over its taste and the smell of it makes me gag. I’ve tried more than once to have it in teas, accompanied with ginger, lemon and honey. I’ve even halved the “traditional” dosage and I still struggle to get it down. Despite my high dislike of it, I continued to force myself to have it in teas, thinking that if I just pushed myself to drink it, I would get over the taste. But I have come to the conclusion that this is just one thing I’m not ever going to be able to tolerate. So, I’ve stopped forcing myself to have it. The ONLY way I’ve been able to consume it is in my smoothies and even than I only use half a tablespoon. So I’ve decided that I’m going to stick to this. I must say that I probably do, eat, and enjoy things that a lot of people struggle with and I’m thankful for this. If apple cider vinegar is the only thing that I’ve had an issue with thus far, this I will take!

The only reason that I still allow it to be in my life is due to it’s amazing health benefits. With all the hype surrounding it, I wanted to share with you some of my research and 5 amazing benefits of apple cider vinegar.

1) Alkalizing Properties:

I think the biggest thing that ACV is known for is for its alkalizing properties and its ability to cleanse the body. Although ACV is mainly acidic, it becomes alkaline when diluted with water. The reason why it’s beneficial to ingest alkaline foods is because certain functions in the body can only occur at a certain acidic or alkaline state. Not only does it help certain functions, it also alieves indigestion when you consume meat and dairy products. This in turn, helps with bloating. Which is something that I can personally attest to. After incorporating it into my smoothies, my stomach has gotten flatter and my stomach doesn’t hurt as often as it used to.

2) Helps You Lose Weight:

Another big thing that it helps with is aiding in weight loss. The acetic acid in vinegar works against the enzymes that are in your stomach that digest starch. This in turn may stop you from absorbing the calories from carbs. It can also make you feel fuller. It increases satiety, which in turns means you might eat less. In one study, White bread was served with three different doses of vinegar. The higher the level of acetic acid in the vinegar, the more the participants felt full. This means it could help you eat 200 to 275 less calories that day! However, I must say that while this may help you, the most effective way of losing weight is by eating lots of dark leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables and regular exercise.

3) Help to Kill Harmful Bacteria:

Apple Cider Vinegar can help to kill many pathogens in the body. Due to its acetic properties, it has been used traditionally to treat nail fungus, lice, and warts. Since it creates an alkaline environment when diluted with water, it can help to heal sore throats and aid in getting rid of colds. Different types of bacteria thrive in different levels of pH environments. Some thrive best in neutral pH environments, while others in acidic ones. But the majority of bacteria don’t do well in alkaline ones, which is why I recommend that you try to incorporate ACV in your diet more if you are feeling ill. I have also used it in mud masks and it has helped to heal my acne. The smell did get to me I’m afraid, so I don’t do it as often as I know would be beneficial. It can also help to preserve your fruits and vegetables.

4) It Can Lower the Risk of Heart Disease:

There are many factors that lead to Heart Disease. Some are genetic or environmentally induced. Others are due to unhealthy eating habits. One way to decrease your risk is to incorporate more ACV into your diet. Triglycerides are a type of fat that is in your blood can increases your risk of heart disease. However, ACV effectively gets rid of this and can lower the risk. It also can lower your blood pressure, which is amazing!

5) It Can Lower Your Risk of Heartburn:

Heartburn is caused when the acid that is used for digestion in the stomach escapes and goes into your esophagus. This happens when the muscle as the entrance of your stomach doesn’t close at the right time or fails to close properly. This causes the burning pain in your chest, known as heartburn. If you ate something that doesn’t agree with you, a little bit of ACV diluted with water will help to neutralize the acid. However, I must note that if the cause of your heartburn-like symptoms is due to ulcers or esophagus, ACV will only make it worst. Due to this, it is best to double check with your physician first.



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